He was amazing before he was anything else to anyone...

Created by Joel Mendez 11 years ago
There is no way to put together in words all that Jason was and all that he will continue to be for all of us. What I can say is that Jason always found a way to make things fun and enjoyable. I was thinking on how one St. Patty's day he figured it would be a great idea to have his local buddies(Latin Pose as he would call us) over for dinner, drinks and possibly a movie. You all know how much he liked to entertain so he seemed to always find a reason why we should go over. He made this meal for all of us. I honestly cant remember what but there was green beer.... green veggies and a whole bunch of other things. I have to admit that I always thought he had a yummy Guacamole recipe but THIS time, he had made some sort of funny avocado something or other. It wasn't creamy...it wasn't chunky with veggies and onions. We were all so happy to eat it but just could not figure out what the heck it was. Turns out he bought a huge bucket of Hummus and put Green Food coloring in it. He said he figured he would go with the green theme and dye everything Irish green. It took us a while to process as green creamy dip really had its limits. Blame it on the beer or the fact that we were hungry, I don't think we left any green hummus that night. For as much as we shared in our lives with him I know for a fact we made his life better. He would admit it here and there or use references to conversations he had with us while talking to others. It was short, but the good times were GOOD! I'm suddenly craving some green hummus.
